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Lower Body Lift

If you have loose skin, no amount of exercise will tighten or improve its elasticity. A lower body lift can help to correct this by removing and tightening loose skin, although it’s not designed to remove a significant amount of fat. 
Many patients who request a lower body lift have lost weight and have excess skin which needs to be tightened. An ideal candidate for a lower body lift is someone with loose, sagging skin but who is not overweight or obese.  


The Procedure

During this procedure, the excess skin and some fat is removed and the remaining tissues are tightened. This may produce a more attractive body contour. Skin laxity and poor tone may also be related to the normal ageing process, pregnancy, or significant weight loss (a lower body lift differs from liposuction, as liposuction removes only fat).

Following surgery, the patient will require two to three nights stay in hospital and afterwards, it is important to rest as you recuperate. Most patients will take two to three weeks off work to recover. 
A body lift is usually performed along with liposuction, to remove any pockets of fat and to give the best overall result. It may also be combined with inner thigh lifts.

The Risks

Early sequelae of surgery include bleeding from the wounds, wound infection, wound breakdown, and blood or fluid accumulating under the skin that may require drainage and a long scar. Later complications include asymmetry, numbness, and wound breakdown.


The Recovery

Recovery will vary from 4 to 6 weeks, and it is important to rest and follow wound care instructions, and to avoid heavy lifting.

Image by Tim Hüfner
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